Beginning the New Year, Welcome 2025!
Many people, no matter their location or type of weather, make plans at the beginning of the year. For us, the month of January is a time to pray and seek the Lord for the vision that He has for our coming year. Sometimes, things go according to plan, but sometimes there are surprises and […]
Exploring the USA
During the months of May and June, Paul and I were able to take a road trip from Ohio down to the Carolinas. We drove through West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and South Carolina. We visited with old friends and family, and we also met some people for the first time. It had been […]
The Gift
A few weeks ago, my husband and I were visiting friends who lived in Guedes, the neighborhood where we first worked in Brazil. In my next book, Finding a Happy Home, I wrote about the spiritual battles that took place for me there in a strange place that was far from my home. It was […]
Mother’s Day Thoughts
Women from every age and culture share one special thing: They are mothers, or they had/have a mother. For some, memories are tinged with pain. While others may simply have a loss. Having a mother is a blessing that is often taken for granted. After being a mother, a young woman gains understanding for how […]
Fruits that are Raw
There is nothing worse than cutting into a mango when it is still green. The acidy flavor tells the consumer that it isn’t ready yet. Everything under the sun has a proper timing. If we dive into something before things are made ready, we can spoil everything. Take it from someone who has bitten into […]
Palm Sunday
“They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the King of Israel!’ Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it as it is written.” John 12:13-14 NIV This was the triumphal entrance , and the waving of […]
A Trip to South Africa
We recently went to Johannesburg, South Africa for fifteen days. It was life changing. We went as guests of Pastor Tara McCauley who together with her husband, Pastor Joshua McCauley pastors Rhema and Redemption churches, located in South Africa and the Netherlands. We visited several children’s homes and the slum area called Alex where we […]
Who Am I?
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I’m a small-town girl, originally from Ohio. I love nature and making things with my hands. Creativity has always been a part of me. My husband and I have had the privilege of living and serving in Brazil for over twenty years. A few years […]
A igreja e a comunidade

Jill van Opstal-Popa, originally from a small town in the Akron area of Ohio, is the wife of Paul and the mother of three grown children. Together with her husband, who hails from the Netherlands, Jill has dedicated thirty-four years of her life to missionary work. Initially serving with YWAM Amsterdam, she later moved to […]