Women from every age and culture share one special thing: They are mothers, or they had/have a mother. For some, memories are tinged with pain. While others may simply have a loss. Having a mother is a blessing that is often taken for granted. After being a mother, a young woman gains understanding for how it is to love someone selflessly. After I gave birth to my children, I was not the same person as before. As Elisa and Jeremy grow older, and are now adults the love that I have burns strong for them. Though my children live far away now, they are kept near in my heart and prayers. For me, it’s the wonderful memories of the care of my mom, who as a young widow sacrificed so much for our family, that I can celebrate all year long. Let everyday be a special day to remember those who have given selflessly to enrich our lives. If we are not fortunate to have children, let us be great friends and confidants to the younger women in our circle who have lost their mothers. After my husband and I became empty nesters, we had the joy of receiving a young Brazilian man into our home who we could bless and watch grow into an extraordinary man. Let’s remember with gratefulness the care of our mothers.