A few weeks ago, my husband and I were visiting friends who lived in Guedes, the neighborhood where we first worked in Brazil. In my next book, Finding a Happy Home, I wrote about the spiritual battles that took place for me there in a strange place that was far from my home. It was a hard year for us a family, but God caused us to grow together as a couple, and for our roots to go deeper in Him. What for some people might seem a tragedy, God turned my trial into a gift that broadened my vision and helped me to grow as an individual. At the right time, God lead us out of the wilderness into a beautiful place where we would see thousands of fruits. In the wilderness, we died alone as a seed, but in the new place, God brought us back to life. We didn’t stay alone, but we worked together a wonderful team, and everything that we touched would prosper. In the time of the long dark night of my soul, I couldn’t see the beauty that was ahead, even though it was already planned for me. Whatever we may be going through, let us hold on to hope that our future is bright.