
Joice e Leandro
Joice e Leandro

Pastores sênior da Comunidade Evangélica

De fato não existe maior respaldo que falar do que se vive, sinceridade, amor, transparência e relacionamento com o Pai são o que a Jill leva por onde passa, onde quer que Deus a coloque. O amor e carinho com que ela e seu marido Pr.Paul tem pela nossa nação é lindo, a forma como Deus os conduziu até ao Brasil, é um verdadeiro milagre, que só é possível ser vivido através da fé. Mesmo sendo estrangeiros em uma nação bem diferente da sua, as dificuldades com o idioma e entre outras que poderia passar um tempo citando, é admirável sua coragem e ousadia em se permitir viver algo completamente novo que o Senhor estava os levando, a decisão de se entregar em favor dos menos favorecidos, fez com que vivessem uma linda história de milagres, iniciaram um trabalho com crianças abandonadas, tudo pela fé literalmente e hoje vemos o quanto o favor de Deus é sobre este local e sobre suas vidas. É admirável sua coragem e ousadia. Se seu coração clama por viver experiências íntimas com o Senhor este livro, vai acrescentar-lhe muito! Todas as experiências que ela compartilha com tanto amor, foram vividas com muita intensidade em uma vida de muita comunhão e entrega ao Senhor.Tenho certeza de que essa leitura te levará a um nível mais profundo em Deus e a uma nova história em sua vida.

Andrew & Penny Toogood
Andrew & Penny Toogood

Senior Pastors Exchange Church Belfast

We were created to belong and we were made to be in a family. This has been the mission of Paul & Jill Van Opstal Popa to create a happy home for people who have been left on the outside. In this incredible book Jill shares their life’s journey as they have worked with over 2,000 children to provide love, care and hope for their future. They have instilled in these kids the fact that they were created for a reason and that God has an incredible plan for their lives. You will no doubt laugh and cry as you read their story but above all you will find hope in a God who longs for us to find a happy home in Him.

Brenda Toet
Brenda Toet

One in Him Foundation

I get to know Jill and her husband Paul, when our ministries in Brazil crossed a couple of years ago. What a love and determination I see I this beautiful daughter of God! When you read this story of where she came from, what she havebeen trough, and where she is now… You will be sure nothing is impossible for those who believe! For me it is an honor to write a recommendation for this book! It is a book about overcoming the world with faith! Jill you are a true inspiration!

Carolyn Ros
Carolyn Ros

Jill's memoir offers a look into an exceptional life of resilient trust, obedient faith, steadfast hope and enduring love. Her life shows what can happen when one says 'yes' to God. It not only opens new doors of opportunity, but it also has given hope to countless others who have been marooned in life. Home is a place where you are welcome without having to have an agenda. Home is a place where you belong. Home is a place where others can find refuge. Offering a home to children who don't belong or have any other source of refuge is truly ministering to Jesus. Come along on this journey to read about how God can take the ordinary and transform it into something supernatural. Yes, it will require obedient sacrifice, but the fruit of this will bless generations.

Dick Hoover
Dick Hoover

In 1999, my wife and I joined the church that Jill grew up in. She was already a missionary, so we didn’t get to know her for several years. In 2004, 2006, and 2008, that church organized work teams to help expand the living space at the Lar Feliz children’s shelter Jill and Paul founded. On these trips, I got to meet some of the thousands of kids born into hopelessness who experienced the love of Jesus every day they lived at Lar Feliz. Our teams saw just a small part of the many challenges Jill describes in this book. Anyone interested in having a strong faith in God, should read this book. They will learn how God used many challenges of providing a loving Christ-centered home for children in desperate situations has helped Jill to trust in God’s promises and endless provisions for her life. Jill has stepped out on their faith in God like He must wish all His followers would so they could experience the joy God wants all His followers to experience.