Lar Feliz

Enriching Childhood

Lar Feliz, an institution focused on children, goes beyond mere provision of shelter and essential care. Recognizing the importance of addressing all aspects of child development, including physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, the home is dedicated to providing a comprehensive growth environment. In addition to attending school, children engage in a wide range of activities that stimulate creativity, foster sportsmanship, and promote meaningful social interactions. This holistic approach ensures that children develop in a nurturing environment that supports their overall well-being.


Parties for the Children

Our hearts overflow with joy as we share about the charity parties held for the children of Happy Home. In these special moments, our community comes together to provide not only delicious food, but also abundant love and joy. Each dish served is more than just a meal; it is a gesture of generosity that nourishes not only the children’s bodies, but also their souls. With music, games, and radiant smiles, these parties become cherished memories that warm our hearts long after the plates are empty. It is a true celebration of unity and solidarity within the community around a noble cause: the well-being and happiness of the children of Happy Home.


Fun and Games

The games and activities are moments of great joy and fun for the children of Lar feliz. Organized with great care and creativity, these activities provide a break from routines and offer opportunities for children to enjoy themselves, interact, and learn in a playful way. Each game is a chance to develop motor skills, work as a team, and stimulate the imagination. In addition, the games promote values such as friendship, respect, and cooperation, strengthening the bonds between the children and caregivers of Lar feliz. It’s a special time where smiles shine, laughter echoes, and happy memories are created to last a lifetime.


Craft Classes

The craft classes for the children of Lar feliz are moments of great creativity and learning. With simple and colorful materials, the children explore their imagination and manual skills, creating unique and personality-filled pieces. Under the guidance of instructors, they learn basic crafting techniques such as painting, collage, sewing, and modeling, while developing their self-expression and confidence. In addition to being fun, these classes also promote the appreciation of manual labor, patience, and pride in creating something with their own hands. It’s a special time where children can express themselves freely and discover their full creative potential, filling Lar feliz with colors, shapes, and bright smiles.


January Camp

The January camp for the children of Lar feliz offers projects for children coming from high risk neighborhoods on their school break to spend a week doing fun activities, art, and social interaction. During these special days, the children have the opportunity to connect with nature, explore new surroundings, and participate in a variety of outdoor activities. Each moment is filled with laughter, fun, and learning. Additionally, the camp promotes important values such as teamwork, respect for nature, and a spirit of cooperation. It’s an unforgettable experience that strengthens the bonds between the children and caregivers of Happy Home, creating happy memories that will last a lifetime.